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Vegan Chocolate Chip Muffins

With a perfectly fluffy batter and delicious chocolate chips speckled throughout, this classic muffin recipe will be your new go-to.

Vegan Chocolate Chip Muffins Recipe

There are very few things as classic and comforting as a chocolate chip muffin. Whether fresh out of the oven or packed in a lunch kit, these muffins are the perfect snack, dessert, or breakfast if you're anything like us! The other night I couldn't stop eating them before I even had dinner!

Vegan Chocolate Chip Muffins Recipe

If you are looking for any other amazing vegan muffin recipes, check these out!

Vegan Chocolate Chip Muffins Recipe

When Taylor and I were in high school, there were these jumbo chocolate chip muffins that were sold in our cafeteria. I honestly think I ate one every single day in my last couple years of high school. When I would run out of the little change I got from my weekend job, I remember so vividly going up to Taylor while she hung out with her friends on lunch break and asking for $1.25 so that I could buy a chocolate chip muffin.

Vegan Chocolate Chip Muffins Recipe

When Taylor was first working on this amazing muffin recipe I went to her house and immediately was transported back in time. As soon as I stepped into her home, I was immediately reminded of my high school and how the whole school would smell of the chocolate chip muffins baking in the cafeteria.

Vegan Chocolate Chip Muffins Recipe

As you can probably guess, those muffins from our teenage years were not vegan! So, it is incredible that Taylor was able to create such a similar, buttery, and fluffy muffin with all vegan ingredients. I think you can probably sense a theme! Every month or so we come out with a recipe that reminds me so much of a food I haven't been able to find since becoming vegan! We definitely have a goal to make everyone see how easy and delicious it can be to be vegan. You don't have to sacrifice anything!

~ Tessa

Vegan Chocolate Chip Muffins Recipe

Vegan Chocolate Chip Muffins Recipe


Vegan Chocolate Chip Muffins


Yield: 12 muffins

Prep time: 10 minutes

Bake time: approximately 18-20 minutes

Author: Kitchen Potatoes



Dry Ingredients

· 1 ½ cups all-purpose flour

· 1 tbsp baking powder

· a pinch of salt

Wet Ingredients

· 1 cup vegan milk (I use unsweetened soy milk)

· ¾ cup granulated sugar

· 1 tsp vanilla

· ½ cup vegetable oil (or any other neutral tasting oil)

· 1 cup vegan chocolate chips (I use mini chocolate chips)

· ½ tbsp all-purpose flour



  1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Spray muffin tin with cooking spray.

  2. Combine all dry ingredients in a medium bowl.

  3. Combine all wet ingredients in a large bowl.

  4. Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients and whisk until combined, batter will be lumpy.

  5. In a small bowl, toss chocolate chips in ½ tbsp of all-purpose flour to prevent the chocolate chips from sinking to the bottom of your muffins. Fold flour-coated chocolate chips into your muffin batter.

  6. Pour batter into prepared muffin tin and bake for 18-20 minutes. Remove muffins from oven once a tester toothpick comes out of the center clean. Immediately after removing from the oven, place the muffins, while still in their muffin tin, on a cooling rack.

  7. Once muffins have cooled (approximately 20 minutes), remove muffins from muffin tin and place muffins on cooling rack to cool completely. Eat and enjoy!


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Welcome! Our names are Tessa and Taylor. We are sisters who love vegan comfort food and binge-ing cooking shows. It has been our dream to create a blog to showcase how easy and delicious it can be to eat vegan. We hope you enjoy our recipes! 

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